I'm trying the best I can to created well-defined milestones with rough estimates. Please read carefully the documentation at registry. If I will get rid of udp manager now, would you be ok with that? I still believe as I commented the way how UdpManager handles concurrency is not really correct. Active 4 years, 1 month ago. Main 54m m 23m m 2. mobicents media server

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We run it on staging and that is Centos. Main 54m m 23m m 2. My problem now is that I have no clear visibility when and how the issues with RMS will get fixed. Sign in to start talking. On the UDPManager, this is still subject of refactoring or you want to keep it as it is now?

mobicents media server

That said, I cannot really give some estimate improvement eta to time, and not sure if migrate to pre 4. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I am also thinking on bringin that netty in soon.

I need to mediw up loose ends for release, wanted to include this feature but the exception makes me feel uneasy. I think is because perhaps jvmTop is taking this to total number of cpus. I would like in fact to fix that asap, so we can get that at our production server.

Group: Mobicents Media

Sign up using Email and Password. I'm trying the best I can to created well-defined milestones with rough estimates. Please check if the cache file exists: StartException in service jboss. Which is quite unexpected to me. This is useful when you want to report a different IP than the one RestComm picked by default.

I am not sure why srver need that many selectors, I mogicents one selector may be completely ok to handle all selection we need.

mobicents media server

SO I assume this shall work no brainer: I understand your feelings, but please understand that MGCP stack is a huge task that we must prioritize. While making a call to I am getting following error. Improving the question-asking experience.

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I did, we have movicents on staging server. For example this weekend we had issuem where RMS was mixing to every call some dangling announcement. Even though the logs from MMS you provided is a very small subset of the actual logs for this calls, I believe that the problem is that local port is not free.

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Mobicents Media Server failed to bind Ask Question. It will be replaced in the near future with a Netty solution. Can you please provide me an email address where I can send the logs and pcap files? JvmTop 25m m 9m m 0.

Child container with name already exists. UDPManager polltask receives the packet. I knew I had issues where the creation mode needs to be specified explicitly. Failed to start service jboss. If you had already some ideas, please shot it at me.


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